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St. Eithne's Primary School, Derry

News - Primary 6

2019/2020 School Year

2nd Feb 2020
On Monday 27th January the pupils of Primary Six took part in the Young Enterprise...
21st Nov 2019
On Thursday 21st November the Primary 6 classes were invited to Shantallow Community...
21st Nov 2019
The children in Mrs Miller’s P7 class are so excited to begin their hurling...
20th Nov 2019
A huge thank you to Mick and Dee from the Nerve Centre who visited Mrs Miller’s...
15th Nov 2019
On Friday 15th November,Mr Kerr's P6 class brought the old and new together.They...
30th Oct 2019
The P7 boys and girls really enjoyed their dance-a-thon today.
30th Oct 2019
The P7 boys and girls look amazing in their Halloween costumes. Have a fabulous midterm...
29th Oct 2019
The boys and girls in Primary 7 have had a very busy 1st half term and are looking...
29th Oct 2019
As we approach the end of our first half term, the Primary 6 children from our school would...